It’s February. Goals are at the top of my mind! I love all the new faces I see at the WCY, pursuing their own health goals. (I loved our Welcome to Wellness event last Saturday. I met a bunch of new members and some who are recommitting to their goals!)
And in the same way that individuals are working on their personal goals, we are pursuing our organizational goals. Sustainability is number one.
When I was first hired, the Board of Directors gave me five priorities. Sustaining the WCY was at the top of that list. To me, sustaining has a few of shades of meaning. One is related to "sustenance" or nourishing: the stuff that keeps me healthy in body, mind, and spirit. (This is the kind of sustenance we offer at the WCY - exercise, nutrition, youth development, and social connection.) Another captures the idea of carrying on or prolonging, such as sustaining a musical note. (Our physical plant and endowment come to mind when I think of these.) A third encapsulates the idea of supporting, such as a "roof sustaining the weight of a big snowfall". Interestingly, "sustain" can also mean "bear up under", as in "sustaining heavy losses", or to lift up, as in "sustained by hope."

I think a lot about what we are sustaining. The community, the building, the members and participants, the staff, the idea of a place where people of all stripes come together.
We are starting the process of revitalizing our building and programs to make a positive impact on Waldo County for another 25 years. We will be replacing the old cardio equipment in our weight room with new equipment. We have invested in Y360, a YMCA-based phone app, to track workouts and make them more engaging. We are installing heat pumps on the north side of the building; it will help our youth members stay warm and reduce costs during shoulder seasons. Our ultimate goal is to sustain you: support you, keep you healthy, keep you going.
All this work to fulfill our goals is important, but holding our center is critical. What makes our Y the center of our community is a commitment to lifting this community, everyone in it!, up. It is a commitment pursued by our friendly and welcoming staff, our financial assistance policy, and the types of programs we offer. Sustaining (nourishing and supporting!) these characteristics is as vital a part of maintaining our Y as upkeep and facility improvements.
It's February! Keep going – walking, swimming, lifting, smiling. We will be, too.
Some quick tips to get the most out of your Y membership in the New Year:
If you haven't tried an exercise class, try one. There is something special about being part of a larger group... I always get a good work out when I attend a class.
Try swimming. If you are an experienced swimmer, try the Masters Program on Wednesday night or Saturday morning. That program changed the way I think about swimming. And it's a great group of people.
Come see "Circle/Mirror Transformation", a play put on by the Counter Current Collective in our Y! The play is great -- it's funny and touching and made me think. (I know it because I auditioned for it.)
Sign up for a Y360 Challenge. If you have the app, you can join from the "My Challenges" page. If this sounds interesting to you, but also too technical, see Jonathan and he can help you sign on!