It's a great place to belong
Facility Use Policies
​No Food or Drink: Water only in our facility rooms including lockers (vending products only in designated areas)
Cell Phone Usage: Talking on cell phones is prohibited in the Locker, Fitness Room, Wellness Room, Walk/Run track, or Pool Complex. For the courtesy of others please always take your conversations outside. Cell phones may be used for music with headphones.
Fragrances: Refrain from wearing scented fragrances to not affect others with allergies.
Street Shoes: Do not wear street shoes or boots in our indoor program areas.
Animals: No animals are allowed in the building unless they are a service animal trained to help with a disability.
Lost and found: Any recovered items will be held at the Front Desk for up to one month. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged belongings. Locks are provided at the Front Desk for day use at no-charge.
Insurance: Participants need to provide their own health and accident insurance coverage. If there is a medical emergency, we will call 911.
Holidays: We are closed in observance of New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Safety Guidelines Regarding Children at the Y
In the building, including Gymnasium and Walk/Run Track:
Children 10 & under must be under direct supervision of a caregiver when not participating in a program.
Wellness Room:
Children 14 & under can only be in the Wellness Room if attending a program.
Fitness/Weight Room:
Children under 12 are not allowed in the Fitness/Weight Room.
For their health and safety children 12 – 16 are required to have an orientation with a staff trainer. Children 12-14 may use the weight room while staff are present in the room from 2:30-4:00 PM, Monday-Friday, or anytime with adult supervision. Children 15-16 may use the weight room at anytime after completing an orientation.
Tom and Sally Savage Pool Complex:
Children 6 & under must remain within arm’s reach of a caregiver.
Children 7 – 10 must have a caregiver in the pool complex.
Children 11 – 12 need a parent or caregiver over 18 years old in the building.
Locker Rooms:
Children 5 & older may use the Men’s/Women’s locker room with a same sex caregiver or the family locker rooms. Children under 5 or with a caregiver of the opposite sex must use the family locker rooms.
Waldo County YMCA
Membership Code of Conduct
Our membership code of conduct embodies the spirit of the Y, and is intended to help everyone including members, participants, and guests feel welcome and safe at the YMCA. As a member, participant, or guest, you agree to follow our code of conduct which is rooted in the values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, and equity. That’s why the following personal conduct is prohibited in all YMCA facilities, programs, and online communities:
1. Harassment/Retaliation. Harassment, bullying, workplace violence, or harassment based on sex (with or without sexual conduct), gender identity, sexual orientation, transgender status, genetic information, marital status, amnesty or status as a covered veteran, race, hair texture or hair style, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability, for speaking out against discrimination, or for participating in the complaint investigation process, or any status protected by law. Retaliation against anyone who speaks out against discrimination, participating in the complaint investigation process, or for good faith reporting to management or a public body a violation of law, rule, condition, or practice that would put at risk the health or safety of any employee or other individual participating in YMCA activities.
2. Sexual activity. Demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person.
3. Inappropriate attire. Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. No clothing with vulgar language, obscene gestures, racial slurs, or anything that contributes to a hostile environment or would be considered inappropriate in a family facility.
4. Inappropriate language. Hostile or vulgar language, including swearing, name calling or shouting.
5. Verbal threatening and/or physical contact. Physical contact with another person in any hostile, unwelcome, or threatening way including but not limited to “play fighting”. Verbal threats of physical violence.
6. Theft/destruction of property. Theft or behavior that results in the destruction or vandalism of property.
7. Weapons. Carrying or concealing any weapons or devices or objects that may be used as weapons (including items that appear to be real). The YMCA bans all weapons on premises with or without a permit.
8. Illegal chemicals or alcohol. Using or possessing alcohol or drugs on YMCA property, in YMCA vehicles, or at YMCA sponsored programs.
9. Inappropriate conduct. Any other conduct of an inappropriate, threatening, or offensive nature.
10. Assisting unauthorized access to the Y. Assisting someone else to access the building without proper authorization. Entry to the facility is required through the main entrance and check-in at the front desk is mandatory.
11. Loitering in parking lot. Loitering is not permitted in the parking lot of YMCA facilities.
12. Inappropriate cell phone activity. Cell phone or photographic/video equipment use of any kind is not permitted in the locker rooms at any time. Photography of others without their consent is prohibited. Phone calls are not allowed in fitness areas.
13.Tobacco. The use of tobacco or tobacco-like products, including e-cigarettes or vapes, are not permitted in or outside YMCA facilities or programs, or on YMCA property or program sites. YMCA facilities, grounds, and vehicles are all tobacco-free environments.
If a member or guest observes a violation of the Code of Conduct, they should report this to a member of the YMCA staff immediately.
To create and maintain a space that embodies our core values, the Y is serious about being clear regarding activities that are not allowed. If you or your invited guests violate this code of conduct, consequences can include termination of membership or program privileges. The YMCA reserves the right to make situational decisions based on its mission and values. While an incident is being investigated, the membership of the person(s) accused of violating this Code of Conduct may be temporarily suspended pending a final decision.
Participation in illegal activity or severe violation of the code of conduct will result in immediate termination of membership and will not follow the steps below. Steps may be skipped or repeated depending on the type and severity of policy breach.
Code of Conduct Violation Process
The following actions may be taken in the event of a personal conduct violation on the part of a Member. The YMCA will determine the appropriate level of action depending on the seriousness of the offense, which could range from a Verbal Warning to immediate Termination of Membership.
1. Verbal Warning – Verbal warning given by Y staff to member/guest. Noted on account.
2. 2nd Verbal Warning – Verbal warning given by Y staff to member/guest. Noted on account. Communicated to Director of program and/or membership.
3. Written Warning – Letter denoting conduct with copy of Code of Conduct sent to member/guest by director.
4. In-Person Meeting with Director
a. Youth – Meeting with youth, parents and director
b. Adult – Meeting with director
5. Suspension of membership for determined amount of time
a. Youth – Return to facility includes limited access determined by director/CEO.
b. Adult – Return to facility may be limited and determined by director/CEO.
6. Termination of Membership