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Lots to Celebrate

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

This past weekend, 120+ third and fourth grade children entered the "Lion's Den" of our Y to play a tournament. After two years when we could not hold the tournament safely, I was thrilled to have it back. I celebrate those children for putting their hearts into the game.

What made the tournament even more special was the officials. Thanks to Scott Cournoyer, a board member of the Eastern Maine Basketball Board 111, a group of eight local high school students had the chance to practice officiating. Scott had taken them under his wing earlier in the year so that they could gain experience as referees and in the process help out our WCY. Then Scott found out that the referee certifying board, the IAABO had started a junior program. Using their curriculum and a classroom from Belfast Area High School, he helped them earn their certifications in time for the tournament. (For more details:

These young men and women were terrific. I heard comment after comment about how well the tournament was run and how well the officials were doing. Given how badly we need officials (because who likes to be yelled at all the time?!) and how well this program fits our mission for younger children to see young adults in positions of leadership, I am thrilled and grateful that Scott took on this project. I celebrate Scott, Ben Sawyer (another adult who helped oversee the games), and the Junior IAABO Referees: Brynne Sawyer, Ethan Abbott, Audra Faulkingham, Madison Goodwin, Madison Shorey, Gary Gale, Rico Washington, and James Ritter. Hats off to all of you!

Finally, as I sit in my office on Monday evening with the light from the still - up sun streaming in the windows, I celebrate the fact that tomorrow new rooftop air handling units will replace the old ones that have worn out. Bright and early, a crane will show up to lift the old ones off and gently place the new ones. A team from WH Demmons, the company that helped commission this building originally, will be hooking them up. By Wednesday, touch wood, both the temperature and the electricity bills for our upstairs workout areas will be lower.

Lots to celebrate. None of it would be possible with people: our great staff and volunteers, our terrific members, and our committed community. Thank you.

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