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Giving Thanks


Every Thanksgiving, my father read Art Buchwald’s Thanksgiving column about explaining the holiday to people from France. The column is dated and, to be honest, started to feel awfully long after the first paragraph or so. The few laughs came from the way Buchwald used French translations, e.g. Miles Standish became “Kilometres Deboutish”. Nonetheless, I think fondly of the way he would stand up right before I reached for a second serving of everything, clinked his glass, and started in. Though the piece lacks a strong ending, my dad gave one. He reminded all of us how lucky we are.

This morning, five WCY staff and members drove up to the Unity Soup Kitchen to help cut squash, potatoes and onions in preparation for serving 130 people. Since their entire staff was out sick, we were grateful to be able to help Linda, the organizer, make it happen.

It’s so easy for me to be caught up in the ups and downs of my own life. Though I try to be grateful every day, I often forget. Cutting potatoes, onions, and squash gave me a chance to reflect on just how much I have been given, through no cause of my own. I think of the circuitous path that led me to Belfast and the WCY. That was a stroke of luck!

I have lots to be thankful for and hope you do, too!. Happy Thanksgiving.

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