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Support for Ukraine

Many members of our WCY have asked if we have a channel to support the people of Ukraine. They want to be sure that anything they donate will go to help the people. They are looking for a credible organization with low overhead to ensure that their gifts will make it to Ukraine.

We do: YMCA of the USA’s World Service Campaign is working in coordination with YMCA Ukraine, YMCA Europe, and the World YM CA to help people and communities who are impacted by the conflict. YMCA Europe has already disbursed emergency funds to YMCAs in Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine in support of the emergency services they are providing to refugees fleeing Ukraine and internally displaced people inside Ukraine. For more information:

There are other organizations that are doing similar work.

To protect yourself from shady actors who may try to take advantage of the situation, consider the following when you give to aid people in Ukraine:

  • Be sure the organization is a registered 501 (c)(3), charitable organization, in good standing. As for their EIN (Employer Identification Number), look it up with the IRS: or at a site like (If you want to check how the tool works, try our EIN: 010493123.)

  • Ask for the charity's mission and overall goals. These should be clear and easy to find and a representative should be able to share them with you.

We have a strong community in Waldo County. I hope we can share that with other people who aren’t as fortunate.

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