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Shining Brightly - a personal reflection


"There is a light that shines beyond all things on Earth,

Beyond us all,

Beyond the heavens,

Beyond the highest, the very highest heavens.

It is the light that shines in our heart."

This morning, I read this from the Upanishads as I was going through an old journal and it made me feel, as my father would have said, convicted. He meant it in the sense of the Greek, "to bring to light or expose". And that's how I felt. Like I'd just read something that had always existed but was hidden.

In my day-to-day life, sometimes all I hear is: "The hot tub is cold," "the floors are dirty", "why don't you ask that person to be quiet?" It is too easy to fall into the myth that people are trying to make my life difficult! :)

I am happy to be reminded that we all shine our light. If I can't see it, that may be more about me than about others. And there is a lot more light shining here at the WCY than in most places!

I think this is what we do best in our community - shine our lights - just like Roger is doing at the Color Run.

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