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Preschool Steps Out

The Little Learners Preschool at the WCY got on the bus twice in the past two weeks to see some of the organizations that make Belfast such a wonderful place.

Last week, they visited First National Bank, one of our Bronze Sponsors, to learn about how money flows in the bank. They marveled at the coin counter and the vault.

Preschool capped off their Community Connection field trips with a visit to the Belfast Soup Kitchen, where they had a wonderful, private tour of the kitchen and new Kindness Market before the doors opened for the day with Ms. Maria! Each student was assigned a special job assisting the incredible volunteers who work there; these included greeting folks at the door, delivering food, drinks, condiments, and other essentials to all of tables, cleaning up, and, most importantly, sharing lots of smiles!

Our preschoolers were very excited and proud to be giving back to their community, and were sincerely appreciated for their efforts and kindness!

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