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Good for the Game, Good for the WCY

Youth soccer players in Waldo County know Kali McCarthy as a coach and Y-league soccer organizer. She's been doing it for 10 years. Two years ago, she became the Varsity Girls' coach at BAHS. This year, she joined the WCY Board of Directors. She's been an evangelist for the game of soccer and also for the Waldo County YMCA. Good for both!

This fall, Kali applied for a "Good for the Game' Grant.... And won it! Here about Kali and the WCY soccer program on the United Soccer Coaches Podcast at:

Our interview starts at 47:25 and runs about 20 minutes.

I am grateful to Kali and everyone who makes our Y work. Coaching, volunteering, applying for grants, donating money and time... we need all of it to stay strong and relevant.

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